This is a translated extract of the article “PERTE Chip o la ambición de situar a España enel mapa de los semiconductores” by Marilés de Pedro for Newsbook, first published on 5 February 2024 in Spanish.
‘It is the most ambitious PERTE of the Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation. Approved in April 2022, the PERTE Chip has a budget of around 12,250 million euros until 2027 and aims to boost the semiconductor sector in Spain. A PERTE, in line with the provisions of the European Chip Law, which came into force last September and which seeks to promote the strategic autonomy of the EU in this critical area. In Spain, the first aid was granted last December to a total of 15 projects, totaling 50 million euros, thanks to the approval last October of the Addendum to the Recovery Plan, which made it possible to mobilize all the resources allocated to Spain from the NextGeneration EU funds …’