Gigabit Connectivity over Fiber Optics

Gigabit Connectivity over Plastic Optical Fiber

Gigabit Connectivity over Fiber Optics

Fabless semiconductor supplier KDPOF provides innovative cost-effective high-speed optical networking for harsh environments, making gigabit communication over fiber optics a reality. KDPOF technology supplies 1 Gb/s POF links for automotive, industrial, and home networks.

Founded in 2010 in Madrid, Spain, KDPOF offer their technology as either ASIC or IP (Intellectual Property) to be integrated in SoCs (System-on-Chips). The adaptive and efficient system works with a wide range of optoelectronics and low-cost large core optical fibers.

It thus delivers customers low risks, costs and short time-to-market. KDPOF is the overall brand including activities for multi-gigabit connectivity by KDROC (Knowledge Development for Rugged Optical Communications).

KDPOF technology has been selected as the standard of choice within IEEE and ETSI, as our integrated circuits use advanced communications techniques to obtain the best performance from the plastic optical fiber channel. Among different public recognitions, KDPOF is proud to belong to the exclusive club of Spanish “PYME INNOVADORA” that the Spanish Government provides to the top innovative SME’s in the country.

Sello PYME INNOVADORA 28/09/2024
Válido hasta el 28 de septiembre de 2024